"Since joining Jaceen I've had life changing experiences which propelled me to new heights. The camps are unmatched by anything else"

"The mentor scheme within Jaceen is essential for any young individual pursuing growth and excellence. It personally helped me shape myself into a more driven and impactful individual across many aspects of my life."

"The Jaceen camps and sessions are an incredibly life changing event. You're are put through the adversity you'll need in order to become your greatest self. You're surrounded by other like minded and driven men that will guide you to becoming greater."

"The Jaceen camp was the greatest week of my life. The growth I attained within such a short time span, most would consider impossible."

"Attending the numerous training sessions the Jaceen community has held, has allowed me to realise how much we can push ourselves in training. By not only breaking plateaus in my strength training but also learning fundamental combat skills alongside professional fighters, I have been invigorated by what the group has to offer and hope to attend the many more to come."

"The recent Barcelona camp has been very beneficial for myself. Doing everything with a big collective group of people who have respect, and love for one another was a first for me. From preparing the food, to training, to travelling, everything was done in such a elegant and respectful manner. I can't thank the brothers enough for that as it has affected different parts of my life for the better too. Overall it was an amazing experience and any young male should want to get on board."

"Jaceen has helped me in more ways than imaginable, from losing over 20kg and becoming much more physically healthy, to bettering my mental health and gaining a much greater outlook on life. Would not be the person I am today without Jaceen and now that I've worked on myself, I have the opportunity to help others too."

"The mentoring has allowed me to significantly better myself in numerous aspects of life. For instance, I am currently in the best physical shape of my life, thanks to the advice and close guidance of mentors who have pushed me to excel in physical training, as well as combat. Not only am I now physically strong, capable and healthy, I have also developed an array of combat skills."

"I got invited to the Barcelona camp and it changed who I was. I never felt so much love and growth within a week's time. Every person truly left a different person, it was phenomenal. Looking forward to many more international camps with the brothers and new people joining."

"The last camp in Barcelona was phenomenal. 7 days of hard training involving military training, mma, lifeguard training and more. Got to meet individuals with the same mentality as myself, driven to learn and push themselves. Miss the BBQs every night after a days training, looking forward to the next one in September."

"The 2024 Jaceen Cyprus camp was a truly incredible experience that has induced an abundance of growth in everyone involved. Controlled adversity through physical and mental training was pivotal in facilitating the development of areas such as vocal articulation, resilience and discipline. Furthermore, the subsequent unity built amongst a group of like-minded individuals was both unique and wholesome."

Jamie D
"The mentoring groups have allowed me to focus on my personal growth, in my health and fitness with consistent guidance. I really enjoy it and you get put in different groups so you can meet a lot of people."

"Jaceen played a pivotal role in transforming my fitness and communication habits. Through pre-camp grouping mentoring sessions, they instilled discipline and consistency in my gym routines and dietary choices. Moreover, Jaceen's innovative approach included regular two-minute breakdowns, enhancing my speaking skills and fostering continuous improvement in various aspects of my life. Their personalised guidance not only sculpted my physical and verbal capabilities but also created a supportive environment that fueled my overall growth and self-confidence."

"Cyprus camp was the best, it changed my mindset towards upholding responsibility and adopting a better demeanour."

"The Jaceen camps were phenomenal and beyond words. In such a short amount of time, I was able to grow immensely, specifically in boxing and learning more about health, nutrition. The lessons even go beyond the camp with the ability to take this information into my daily life, improving it significantly with much stronger drive and discipline. One of the most amazing aspects of camp was the brotherhood aspect where all of the guys unite for a single goal - growth."

"Participating in the camp transformed my discipline and drive. The sessions pushed me in my physical limits so that I could grow in combat skills and athleticism."

"My attendance to the Cyprus camp 2024 has allowed me to grow exponentially in not only my knowledge on physical health, but also mentally too, improving my understanding of honour, integrity and brotherhood. I especially enjoyed the physical training, we did challenging but rewarding boxing sessions where I learned to execute better form and also some sparring which allowed me to showcase what I had learned. Amazing camp overall, I have grown incredibly and made brothers for life"

"It has been a significant transformation working with the brothers at Jaceen. Each one of the camps is a phenomenal time spent. The regular training sessions in Birmingham are also to look forward to. It’s a privilege to spend quality time with like minded individuals all working towards a common goal."

"Attending camp was truly transformative for me. In just one week, I learned more than I ever thought possible. Despite facing an injury, my determination and discipline were at an all-time high. The focus on physical competence and drive pushed me to new levels, making it the best week of my life."

"Camp ignited a drive for physical and mental excellence, instilling discipline to fulfill responsibilities consistently irrespective of my feelings. Recognizing this as the path to personal growth, I'm now exploring ways to improve my health conditions through research. This journey promises benefits not just for myself but for those around me."

"My experience in camp allowed me to develop my sense of duty and understand how and where I need to improve to positively impact myself and those around me much more"

"Cyprus camp was the fourth camp which I've attended now, and I'm grateful to say that i'm able to be a part of them. With each one, not only have I see immense growth in myself, but those around and even in the camps themselves and how they are ran. "

"This recent Cyprus camp has allowed me to grow in ways I didn’t know I would going into it. I faced many new environments and experiences that were out of my comfort zone but I pushed through together with everyone else and learned that only you can hold yourself back from accomplishing great things. The food was amazing, the training was hard and fulfilling and the villas were out of this world."

"These camps have been truly transformative for me. Not only have I seen remarkable improvements in my physical health, with increased strength, endurance, and overall fitness, but I've also greatly improved my combat abilities through rigorous training sessions. I now have a strong sense of discipline, drive, and mental toughness that goes far beyond the training grounds. It's not just a camp, it's a life-changing experience that has given me invaluable skills and a newfound confidence to tackle the many challenges of life."

"Being a student of Jaceen has transformed my life for the better, providing me with a community of like minded young men to grow alongside and improve with. The guidance has benefitted my life significantly, both physically and mentally, enabling me to be better prepared for any task I undertake. Studentship under the mentors has provided me with a way to be held accountable for my improvement and encourage it further, in a manner which I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. This community is like no other, you will not find a group of people who care for one another in this way anywhere else"

"Joining Jaceen, has been extremely beneficial for me as its provided a close community that helps me achive my goals faster. The weekly training sessions keep me motivated to keep working hard so I can showcase what I've learnt. Not only do we work on our physical health we are also encouraged to read , so that we can work on our knowledge and articulation. This has been beneficial for work. My favorite part about jaceen are the camps ,as that's when we come together, to learn ,to train and to have fun. Living together really boosts your growth. You fix your sleep schedule, learn to cook, small things that when you come back home improve your lifestyle."

"The Jaceen mentorship is extremely valuable. By putting good habits together such as reading, training, debating etc it really helps one to elevate themselves not just physically but also consciously and holding myself accountable to these things have really helped my personal development and also helps me understand my priorities better. 10 months ago I was drinking and/or smoking at least 3 days a week, now I’m building my body, rather than destroying it."

"Camp was a an amazing experience to be surrounded with like minded individuals that only want the best for you and themselves is a great environment and the mental growth that came alongside is priceless"

"My time as a student within Jaceen has been nothing short of transformative. From the moment I stepped into the Jaceen community, I felt an instant connection with the guys. It's remarkable how quickly our bond has grown; they feel like childhood friends I've known for years. Within Jaceen, I've been constantly pushed, tested, and encouraged to grow. Every hardship, every challenge, every triumph—it all serves a purpose in our collective journey towards self-improvement."

"Since I've become student of Jaceen, I have grown in all areas - Physically and mentally. This was only possible due to the all the mentors and students who always take responsibility and accountability for themselves as well as for one another."

"The Jaceen camps have allowed me to grow in ways I never thought possible. It’s not only the physical growth but the mental and conscious growth that has allowed me to become the man I am today. I’ve made brothers for life as these men next to me are on the same mission as me, all seeking to become greater. That builds a bond stronger than anything."

"The camp made me a better man. Prior to the camp I had the thoughts and understanding of what it was to be a man. After the camp I now apply the understandings which were greatly improved from being at the camp. It elevated me to such a conscious mental state in which I have cemented myself in. Cant wait for the next one."

"Attending the camp which was an absolute life changer for me, from the amazing brotherhood with one another to the knowledge and strength you gain within a short amount of time, it is amazing and has just driven me to want to be the best at whatever it is I am taking on in life."

"Camp was exceptionally fruitful in many areas of growth, to control levels of suffering in a serene environment while enjoying aspects of luxury lead to serious elevation. Training with the brothers every week, breaking bad habits and education has helped me get in the best shape of my life, both mentally and physically."

"Camp for me was phenomenal, I grew in every aspect possible. A highlight for me was the brutal training in which we pushed past our physical and mental barriers to ensure we grow collectively. My drive to elevate myself and others has never been stronger and I look forward to showcasing my development and applying all the knowledge I attained from camp moving forward."

"The mentorship groups have allowed me to grow intellectually from both reading and sharing the information with others. I personally enjoyed reading up on my own culture and black history, it helped me better understand myself and my people."

"The youth sessions alone have honed my combat skills, fostering a remarkable sense of discipline and determination. Consequently, I've achieved newfound physical competence, propelling me towards greater success."

"The Sunday sessions at Miguel’s boxing gym are phenomenal. Every single time I attend I am always able to learn something new. Generally we all rotate between boxing wrestling or strength and conditioning. Within these sessions, there isn’t one session that I have attended to, where I haven’t pushed my body to its %100 which maximises my physical growth immensely. I recommend this for all individuals because these sessions are truly one of a kind because of the great people running it."